Mark Twain Lake High Water Update

The Salt River basin that forms Mark Twain Lake has been subjected to heavy precipitation during the last 48 hours. As a result, the lake level is rising rapidly. With additional precipitation forecasted it is anticipated to bring the lake’s level up to 621.0 NGVD by Thursday, July 1, 2021. Normal lake elevation is 606.0 NGVD. You will likely find floating and submerged debris on the lake as the water rises so please be cautious and always wear a life jacket.
The project remains open, including major boat launch facilities and campgrounds, however some areas and facilities are temporarily closed:
John F. Spalding Beach
Indian Creek Beach
Mark Twain State Park Beach
Joanna Trail
Lick Creek Trail
Hunter-Fisherman Access 11 (Rt N), 20 (Hwy FF), 61 (Duane Wheelan), and 30 (Rt U),
Closings and facility impacts are subject to changing conditions.
To check daily lake levels go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, River & Reservoir Daily Report on the web at . To inquire about conditions at your favorite lake location or other facilities or services contact the Mark Twain Lake Project Office at 573-735-4097, email or follow us on Facebook at Mark Twain Lake – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
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